Carli N. Conklin

DR. Conklin Photo
Associate Professor of Law and Associate Professor of Constitutional Democracy
402C Jesse Hall

BS, Truman State University
MAE, Truman State University
JD/MA, University of Virginia
PhD, University of Virginia


Carli N. Conklin is an Associate Professor at University of Missouri School of Law, an Associate Professor of Constitutional Democracy and former Associate Director at the Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy, and a Senior Fellow in the School of Law’s Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution. She earned her J.D./M.A. and Ph.D. in American Legal History from the University of Virginia, where she received the School of Law’s John and Madeleine Traynor prize for outstanding written work.

Prof. Conklin’s research focuses on arbitration, rights dialogues, and legal philosophy in early America. Her scholarship has been published in the peer-reviewed American Journal of Legal History, the Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, Washington Jurisprudence Law Review, and the University of Missouri’s Journal of Dispute Resolution. She is an invited contributor to Discussions in Dispute Resolution, Volume I: The Foundational Articles (Oxford University Press, 2021) and Discussions in Dispute Resolution, Volume II: The Coming of Age (forthcoming, Oxford University Press, 2025).

Prof. Conklin is a past recipient of the Missouri Lawyers’ Weekly Women’s Justice Award (Legal Scholar category) and the University of Missouri School of Law’s Shook, Hardy, & Bacon, LLC Excellence in Research Award. She was awarded a national CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Award from the Association of College & Research Libraries for her book The Pursuit of Happiness in the Founding Era: An Intellectual History (University of Missouri Press Studies in Constitutional Democracy series, 2019).

Prof. Conklin teaches courses in lawyering, dispute resolution, and American legal history at the School of Law and courses in intellectual and legal history at the University of Missouri’s Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy and Honors College. She is a past recipient of the Kappa Alpha Theta Outstanding Faculty Award (one of ten awardees chosen nationally), the School of Law Board of Advocates Faculty Achievement Award (student-selected), a University of Missouri Friars Chapter of Mortar Board Faculty Honor Tap, and is a two-time Mizzou ’39 Faculty Mentor.

Recent Publications

ymposium Introduction: Beyond the FAA: Arbitration Procedure, Practice, and Policy in Historical Perspective, 2016 JOURNAL OF DISPUTE RESOLUTION 1 (Spring 2016).

A Variety of State-Level Procedures, Practices, and Policies: Arbitration in Early America, 2016 JOURNAL OF DISPUTE RESOLUTION 55 (Spring 2016).

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The Origins of the Pursuit of Happiness, 7 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY JURISPRUDENCE REVIEW 195 (2015).

Lost Options for Mutual Gain? The Layperson, the Lawyer, and Dispute Resolution in Early America, 28 OHIO STATE JOURNAL ON DISPUTE RESOLUTION 581 (2013)

Transformed, Not Transcended: The Role of Extrajudicial Dispute Resolution in Antebellum Kentucky and New Jersey, 48 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF LEGAL HISTORY 39 (2006)

More Publications By Carli N. Conklin

Latest News

Professor Conklin Appointed to American Bar Association Subcommittee

Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution Announces Winners of the Student Writing Competition

CSDR Marks 30th Anniversary

ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Conference Features Mizzou Law Faculty

Prof. Conklin Presents at Washington University School of Law