Create Your Own Primary Source

Catherine Hutinett

Here we are, finishing week two of the new normal. I hope you all are remaining healthy and finding ways to adjust in these extraordinary times. It can be hard, especially as a student, to undergo a complete change in routine, even without the added stress of a global pandemic. Additionally, being relentlessly attached to a computer for work or classes also means it can be hard to unplug from the constant news cycle and live in the moment. The pandemic constantly reminds us to monitor our physical wellbeing, but it is just as important to take care of your mental health.

One activity that may help you stay grounded is journaling. I’ve found that it helps me process these circumstances and I find it fun to think of it as a primary source someday. It might be tempting to keep your journal on a phone or computer, but try and write using a pen and paper to unplug from your devices. If you find yourself struggling to write, here are some prompts that might help you focus.

1. What has changed in your day-to-day life, and what change do you struggle with the most? What positive changes have you seen?

2. What do you think of the responses of the university, city, state, country, etc.? What positive or negative decisions impacted you the most?

3. What activities bring you joy in isolation?

Enjoy creating your very own primary source!